Welcome 2021

Bye 2020 & Welcome 2021! Have you been struggling to keep a healthy lifestyle due to covid-19 and being stuck in the house more frequently? Do you feel overwhelmed about how to start or even just get back into you health and healing journey? We want you to know we totally get it 2020 was hard for all of us, 2021 is an opportunity to reset and learn how to take care of your health and wellness. Please join Lisa of Lisa’s Rustic Pantry for a live ZOOM Event that will give you the information needed to understand plant based nutrition as well as how to improve your gut and immunity health and learn about what quality supplements actually are. If you would like to join us or have questions before signing up please reach out. You can email Lisa - lisa@lisasrusticpantry.com or find her on instagram @lisasrusticpantry

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Seniors: Better Your Mind, And Spirit Through Yoga


4 Things Can Easily Do To Elevate Your Yoga Practice By Sheila Johnson