Lisa’s Rustic Pantry
Lisa’s Rustic Pantry
Lisa Lackey of Lisa’s Rustic Pantry is a certified Plant Based Health Coach specializing in meal planning, wellness events, personalized coaching, and cooking classes. Her health journey began almost 10 years ago, while looking for a solution to her own health issues. After lots of detailed research she decided to take a whole foods plant based approach, which is based off of evidence and facts.
A whole foods plant based way of life transformed her and her husband. Their life completely changed for the better. Their outlook on life and heath improved dramatically. It was a true health transformation!
Lisa’s Rustic Pantry was then created. Lisa started helping others who wanted to transition to a plant based lifestyle and those who wanted to understand how to raise the nutritional value of their current eating habits.
Being a health coach and helping others achieve a healthier life and reach their goals is the most fulfilling aspect of her life. Lisa’s Rustic Pantry provides a comprehensive list of services that will fit your unique goals and can help you get your health to it’s most optimum level. Lisa is Certified in Plant Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center For Nutritional Studies.
She is on Instagram as @lisasrusticpantry