Gratitude Journaling & Serene Yoga Studios Anniversary ..

November is an extra special month for the studio it is our second anniversary at our location in Hanover MA, Novmeber is already a month of gratitude, which we will be celebrating! Each day we will be journaling, and On November 27th for members of the studio we will be holding a gratitude yoga class, please reach out to hold your spot in this class as in person space is limited. If you would like to attend online that is also an available option!

For the month of November Serene Yoga Studio will be posting daily Gratitude prompts here & on instagram if you are not already following the studio on instagram follow us there at @serene_ yoga_

All you need to follow along with us is yourself a pen and paper or a notebook or if you want t o be paper conscious use the notes app in your phone .

Daily Gratitude Prompts

November 1st - Today I am grateful for ……

November 2nd- Write down something good that happened to you today.

November 3rd- Do something kind for someone today, write about it here ( what was your act of kindness how did it make you feel)

November 4th- Write about a time that someone has done something kind for you to help you out or to make your life easier, when you were going through a challenging time. How did it make you feel?

November 5th- What place, and activity (ties) make you feel the most energized & alive?

November 6th- What place, and activity (ties) make you feel the most at peace and relaxed?

November 7th- Write about something that you are looking forward to and why.

November 8th- What is a skill or talent that you have? How has it helped you or helped others?

November 9th- List a few qualities about yourself that you like.

November 10th- Do you have a favorite holiday or non holiday tradition? Write about it here.

November 11th- What is something that makes you smile or cheers you up when you have had a tough day?

November 12th- What do you do for self care? How does it make you feel?

November 13th- Write down all the things you are doing well.

November 14th- Write about your best friend (s) and your favorite memories with that person(s).

November 15th- Write about the things that always make you smile, even when you are feeling down.

November 16th- What were some good things that happened today, write about them.

November 17th- Spend 20 minutes outdoors today, you could go for a walk at a leisurely pace, or just sit outside and take in the fresh air enjoy what surrounds you, How do you feel after?

November 18th-Nature gives us so much that we often take for granted, what are the things that you are grateful for in nature.

November 19th- At this point in your life last year where were you? What was different in your life? What has changed from them to now? What positive changes have you made? what challenges have you overcome?

November 20th- When do you or have you felt completely at peace? Where were you? What were you doing? Were you alone or with friends?

November 21st- Find a comfortable seat let your eyes shut as long as you feel safe doing so or let your eyes soften their gaze, take a minute here to slow down. Maybe you set a timer for 1 minute to keep you Become aware if your breath notice how it is moving through your body is it slow and steady or rapid and shallow? Can you smooth it out by starting to inhale through your nose for a count of 3 hold for a count of 1 and exhale through your mouth for a count of 3. How do you feel after s minute of doing this practice ? Maybe more relaxed and calm? More focused? Write about how you felt before and how you feel now.

November 22nd- Write about a difficult time in your life that has created a positive impact in your life now.

November 23rd- Write about someone who has impacted your life in a positive way. It could be anyone, a friend, a parent, a teacher or a mentor ect.

November 24th- Describe your perfect day.

November 25th- Today is thanksgiving, Write about all that your are thankful for from people in your life, to things you have, to changes you have made or are making, even for things you may have let go of like old habits, the big as well as the small things. Is there a way you can extend gratitude to others today ?

November 26th- Write about the best things that have happened to you over the past few weeks.

November 27th-Did someone help you today or show you an act of kindness? how can you extend that to someone else today?

November 28th- What is your favorite place that you have traveled? it can be anywhere.. from a local day trip to a camping trip to a foreign country really anywhere. Write about your experience.

November 29th- Write your favorite quote or saying, reflect on it. How does it make you feel? inspired, peaceful, happy?

November 30th- How can you continue to extend gratitude to others and yourself daily?


Happy Holidays & New Year!


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